Food Waste Management

Environmental Protection Department has reported that Hong Kong landfills received municipal solid waste at a rate of approx 1.4kg per capita every day for the past few years. The municipal solid waste consists of domestic, commercial and industrial waste. To help reduce the stress of landfill in Hong Kong, recycling and categorising the type of wastes are encouraged. Food waste management is the major constituent of the municipal solid waste in Hong Kong. It is highly degradable and transformed into comport materials or sent to the Siu Ho Wan Organic Resource Recycling Centre for reproduction.

What needs to be handled?

  1. The capacity of Hong Kong landfills is insufficient
  2. Incineration of organic waste is costly and requires additional fuel. Under the trend of global warming and the need to reduce carbon emissions, it is no longer appropriate to manage waste by incineration.
  3. According to government statistics, Hong Kong has disposed of municipal solid waste at a rate of 1.35kg per capita every day. Due to the increasing population of Hong Kong, the amount of rubbish discarded by the public will continue to rise, causing heavy stress on landfills. According to the Government’s forecast, the three landfills in Hong Kong, Tsuen Wan, Tseung Kwan O and Tai Kiu Ling will be saturated gradually. The problem of waste disposal is imminent and urgent.
  4. The biological treatment of food waste not only conforms to the recycling of natural ecological materials but also achieves the purpose of sustainable development. The use of compost not only reduces the amount of waste and the cost of treatment but also gives new value to food residues, converting them into organic fertilizers.
  5. Recycle source-separated organic waste generated from the C&I sectors (mostly food waste) to useful products, thereby minimizing the requirement for landfill disposal.

How to produce a food waste?

Food waste comprises waste produced during food production, processing, wholesale, retail and preparation, as well as after meal leftovers and expired foods. 
Generally, the food waste is mainly treated by dehydration and compressed. The moisture of the food waste is easily generated and evaporated, leading the dehydration of food waste a quick process of approximately 24 hours. However, these products are less stable and are filled with nutrients needed by insects and bacteria. Dr. Comp treats the food waste in a purely natural composting manner, turning it into a more stable and hygienic soil moisturizing product composed of finer molecules. In Dr. Comp's drums, different microbes digest the food waste and completely convert it into organic compost in 14-21 days. After conversion, composting is more stable chemically than the dehydrated food produced by other food waste machines, and it rarely causes odor and hygiene problems during storage and transportation. These composts are also used as soil moisturizing products to provide a better growing environment for different plants and crops.

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